Legal Disclaimer

I. General Information.

Señalizaciones Villar S. A., with registered office at Polígono Industrial Las Casas II, Calle B, Parcelas 222-223, 42005, Soria (Spain), contact phone: +34 975 220 504, CIF: A42004598, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Soria under page 164 - Folio 156 - Volume 15 Book 12 - Section 3rd of Public Limited Companies, 1st Entry. Currently operating online under the following domain name:

II. Purpose.

This website has been designed to introduce and provide general access for all users to the information, activities, and various services of Grupo Villar displayed through its website The purpose of the website is to inform about the Group, its facilities, works, branches, and catalogs. All these information, activities, and various services will collectively be referred to in this document as the Contents.

The use of this website grants the browser the status of User of the site, which implies adherence to these conditions in the version published at the time of access. Therefore, Grupo Villar recommends that the User read them carefully each time they access the website.

Grupo Villar may alter at any time and without prior notice the design, presentation, and/or configuration of the website, as well as some or all of the Contents, and modify the general and/or specific conditions required to use them.

III. Website and Provider's Responsibility.

Grupo Villar disclaims any liability arising from the information published on its website,, or any others dependent on it, as long as this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside the company.

This website aims to minimize the problems caused by technical errors. However, some data or information contained on the pages may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free, so it cannot be guaranteed that the service will not be temporarily interrupted or otherwise affected by such technical problems. Grupo Villar assumes no responsibility for such technical failures or errors that may arise from consulting the pages of or any other external pages referred to by the main page.

Any information announced by Grupo Villar on its website must be confirmed by the company through any of the contact methods, to guarantee the highest certainty of the truthfulness of everything displayed on the site.

At any time and without prior notice to the User, Grupo Villar may temporarily suspend services on its website due to technical problems or force majeure.

IV. Intellectual Property.

The content of the website is an original work protected by Intellectual Property Law with all rights reserved for Grupo Villar. The reproduction or transmission, in any form or by any means, of any part or all of the content of this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, design code, is not allowed without prior authorization from the author. It may not be copied, modified, or decompiled in any way through reverse engineering or any other technique for this purpose.

All logos and trademarks of Grupo Villar are registered as trademarks in the relevant public registries, thus benefiting from public registry protection in the event of any controversy in this regard.

Logos belonging to third parties outside Grupo Villar belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any possible disputes regarding them. Their placement on Grupo Villar’s website has been, in all cases, with prior communication and acceptance by them. The same applies to some public domain texts and photographs.

Claims that may be filed by Users regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights on any of the Contents of this website should be addressed to the following address: Polígono Industrial Las Casas II, Calle B, Parcelas 222-223, 42005, Soria (Spain).

V. Data Privacy.

Grupo Villar, in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, informs that it is committed to respecting the privacy of the user. The processing of personal data will be included in a file, whose responsible party is Grupo Villar.

The data required from the User will be necessary for the functions of the Grupo Villar website, without these being available to any third party not announced on the web, except with the express authorization of the User.

The User gives explicit, free, and unequivocal consent to the collection and processing of their data by Grupo Villar, as well as explicit, free, and unequivocal consent for the transfer of their data to all companies in the Group if any exist, including but not limited to subsidiaries, branches, and other establishments, without ever being able to sell these data to third parties outside the Grupo Villar organization. The processing by the announced parties will be for advertising, statistical, commercial, and other existing marketing tools.

At any time, the User may request access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition of their personal data via an email to the following address:, indicating their name, ID number, and the clear expression of their desire to stop receiving commercial communications.

Grupo Villar will use personal data for the purposes of this company and its product range. The site provides the User at all times with the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition for any modification (of their own data in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/99 on the Protection of Personal Data of December 13 and the Security Regulation, for which the User must complete one of the following forms and send it along with a copy of their ID to the address

The collection of personal data is carried out with the aim of providing the information service as well as improving the service, newsletters, sending advertising about products and services, notices, offers, and, in general, commercial information of its own interest related to the goods and services offered through the site.

VI. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.

For any litigation or matter concerning the website or any of its dependent sites, Spanish legislation will apply, with the competent courts being those of Soria (Spain) and, if applicable, the Arbitration Courts to which Grupo Villar is affiliated at the time of the controversy. To submit claims regarding the use of our services, you can send an email to the following address: